Just another Quiz Blog....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

hey hey hmm hmm....

1.Which production house's logo features the silhouette of Elliot riding a bicycle across the moon?
Ans. Amblin Entertainment

2. What includes....(this being such a crappy question..hint is a very famous pop track...)

  • 7 singers and musical groups
  • 6 health and medicinal references
  • 5 US presidents
  • 5 movies
  • 5 technological products
  • 4 authors
  • 4 actresses
  • 4 boxers
  • 3 Soviet leaders
  • 3 novels
  • 3 baseball players
  • 2 baseball references
  • 2 musicals
  • 1 television show
  • 2 classical composers and conductors
  • 2 astronauts
  • 1 No. of Chinese references
  • 1 Chinese leader
  • 1 South American leader
Ans. Ha ha...a very idotic q i accept...its Billy Joel's We didn't start the fire...

3. What is the area between 34th Street and 57th Street, from 8th Avenue to the Hudson river more popularly known as?
Ans. Hell's Kitchen (West-Side Story neone...?)

4. What is located at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center,North Salem,Westchester County?
Ans.Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

5. This band takes its name from a german city ,the site of one of the worst airshow disasters in 1988....Identify.
Ans. Ramm-stein

6. Connect a sports-car power brand, a very famous cycling coach, a 16th century italian mathematician and a notorious french porn star...
Ans. Ferrari...(directly lifted from wiki's ferrari disambiguation page ;)...)

7. Which music star's screen name translated, literally means "good music"?
Ans. U2's Bono...bono vox translated means 'good music'...

8. Identify the statuette.
Ans. Hugo Awards

9. Identify the person on the left.

Ans. Believe it or not... its Charlie Chaplain

10. Identify.

Ans. Jack Kirby ...i bow down to thee for the benedictions u have been so kind to bestow upon us lesser mortals...

11. Identify the 3.... 'Individual' names required...

Ans. Well, the 3 persons r the same and its Peter Jackson in his cameos in the L.O.T.R. movies...

12. Connect

Ans. Loch Lomond...the drink in Haddock's hand was the clue there...

14. Connect again

Ans. Napster...On the left is Shawn Fanning, the genius behind Napster and Roxio is its present owner...

15. Connect the 3...

Ans. Link is Sharon Tate....Oliver Twist is the latest offering by Roman Polanski..Sharon Tate's Husband at the time of her death...The man in the pic is Charles Manson ,who was the leader of the cult whose members murdered Sharon Tate...and GnR's Spaghetti Incident which was released around the time of the murder featured a track by Charles Manson....
BT.W. is the name spaghetti incident related to Calvin n Hobbes by ne chance? need help here...

16. Why is this painting so important to the world of literature?

Ans. The horse in the hint is Shadowfax...and the painting supposedly inspired J.R.R. Tolkien to create Gandalf while he was working on the Hobbit ....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Connecting people...har har har

1.Connect them both

Ans: Robert Langdon. The left pic is Tom Hanks who plays Langdon in the movie & the person on the right is John Langdon, the guy who did the art-work of Angels & Demons & is the inspiration for Robert Langdon's Character...visit his site for more...http://www.johnlangdon.net/

2. A slightly arbit connect...connect the 3...HINT: A date it is

Ans. 25th may... A.C. Milan & Liverpool clashed on this day for the momentous 2005 European Cup finals & 25th may is Towel Day, in memory of Douglas Adams (3rd pic)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

For which occasions were the following google doodles used?

1.Mozart's Birthday
2.Winter Olympic games
3.Vincent Van Gogh's Birthday
4.Loui Braille's Birthday
5. Alfred Hitchcock's Birthday

I quiz, U quiz, Everyone Quiz

1. Connect the 2 pics

2. X & Y both wrote a song for the same movie , the songs name being same as that of the movie, both were nominated for the best song oscar and Y's song was tipped to win but on oscar night, X won, in his acceptance speech, X said "Tonight i think the other nominee should have won this trophy" identify X Y and the movie.

3. This song was written in the memory of Eric Fletcher of C Company of the Royal Fusiliers,who was the father of the band's lead singer. The song sets up a recollectionary composite of the British Anzio campaign's Operation Shingle, where United Kingdom forces landed on the beaches near Anzio, Italy with the goal of eventually liberating Rome from German control. As the song goes, the forward commander had asked to withdraw his forces from a German tank assault, but the generals refused, and "the Anzio bridgehead was held for the price / Of a few hundred ordinary lives," as the Tanks eventually broke through the British defense, killing many in C Company, including Eric Fletcher. Which song/Artist?

4. What are usually referred to as 'Cowboy Killers'?

5. Fill In The Blank: _____ Percival Wulfric Brian ________


1. Kurt Cobain's suicide note. The 1st pic is his daughter Frances Bean & the 2nd pic is Neil Young, the musician who wrote the immortal lines 'Its easier to burn out than to fade away.'

2 X= Neil Young Y=Bruce Springsteen Song/Movie= Philadelphia

3. "When the tigers broke free" by Pink Floyd Eric Fletcher is Roger Water's Father

4. Marlboro cigarettes

5. Albus Dumbledore


PORTZEBIE!!!Finally managed to post this quiz that have been promising since time eternal... Roll on...!!!

1.Which band's name is a slang term for a day spent smoking marijuana?

2.This band started performing under the name of Polka Tulk Blues Band & then Earth but hearing that it was of a more popular band,decided to adopt it's present name. Which band?(Think 70's!!!)

3.This band's name was changed to ___ _______ , after The Who's drummer Keith Moon quipped that the band would go down faster than a "____ _____" delibrately mis-spelling the last first name to prevent a rather common mis-pronunciation.(One of the heavenliest...)

4. Fill in the Blank: This band's name was inspired by the Dylan song, "The Ballad of Frankie Lee & ____ ______."

5. On the night of June the 4th of 1960, three teenagers were murdered by means of repeated stabbing with a knife while on a camping trip to the lake. There was a lone survivor named Nils Gustafsson, who was initially believed to be an innocent witness who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This inspired the name of which band ?(Poor children...)

6."The Hype stinks, at least as a name." Someone offered, "What about ___? It's the name of a spyplane and a submarine, and it's got an endearing inclusivity about it." Fill In the Blank.

7."If the ____ __ _________ were cleansed,every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite." Fill in the Blanks in this William Blake line.

8. This progressive rock band is named after a demolished movie hall in Monterey, California. Which? (Easy to work out!!!)

9.This band started out as "Atomic Mass" and then changed it to ____ _______ which was slightly modified to ___ _______ to avoid comparison to punk bands, and perhaps also as an indirect homage to Led Zeppelin's similarly styled band name.

10.Joker's Wild --> Bullitt --> Flowers --> ____ ______

11. The name of this band was influenced by West Ham United F.C. - a club which members of the band support, and from their local area. The name was also a medieval torture device used in Germany. Identify the band.

12. How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot; _____ ______ __ ___ _______ ____! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. Fill in the blanks.


14. While writing a screenplay, what phrase did William Burroughs coin to call "a person who sells illegal surgical instruments"? (A cult classic...)

Some literature now....

15. And thus spake Miranda,
"O wonder!How many goodly creatures are there here! How beautious mankind is! O _____ ___ ______, That has such people in't!"

16. "If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth." Opening lines of which classic?

17. 2 authors made a deal. One would write a space travel story & other would write a time travel story.The space story eventually became C.S. Lewis' Perelandra Triology. What did the time travel story end up as?

EyE- CAnDy!!!

18. Which twentieth-century phenomenon began with this?

19. Identify.

20. What does this map show?

21.Connect the 2 pics.

Answers Bacchon !!

1. Green-Day

2. Black Sabbath

3. Lead Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin. Lead was changed to led to prevent it from being pronounced as 'leed'.

4. Judas Priest

5. Children Of Bodom

6. U2

7. Doors Of Perception. These words were used by Aldous Huxley for his book of the same name which in turn inspired Jim Morrison to name his band as 'The Doors'.

8. Dream Theater

9. Deaf Leopard, Def Leppard

10. Pink Floyd. The other 3 are the names of bands Dave Gilmour played for before joining Floyd.

11. Iron Maiden. West ham is usually referred to as 'The Irons.'The band's bassist, Steve Harris, played for West Ham's youth team before becoming a musician.

12. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. The poem is By Alexander Pope.

13. Chariots Of Fire.

14. Blade-Runner

15. Brave New World

16. Catcher In The Rye

17. The Lord Of The Rings

18. MAD (The Photo is the cover of the 1st issue)

19. Oskar Schindler

20. One of my favorites..(Tears glistening...). Map showing the countries' divisions in George Orwell's 1984. Light Pink= Oceania Purple= Eurasia Green=Eastasia Yellow= disputed.

21. Alfred E. Newman, The mascot of MAD. The name "Alfred E. Neuman" derived from the 1940s radio show of comedian Henry Morgan (2nd slide) which sometimes featured a running gag about Hollywood composer Alfred Newman(1st slide) who created the immortal 20- Century Fox theme. Later, Morgan was a contributor to Mad.

Keep On Quizzin In The Free World!!!

Something to start things off with...

The story of the word "quiz" goes that in 1791 a Dublin theater owner named James Daly made a bet that he could introduce a word into the language within twenty-four hours. He then went out and hired a group of street urchins to write the word "quiz", which was a nonsense word, on walls around the city of Dublin. Within a day, the word was common currency and had acquired a meaning (since no one knew what it meant, everyone thought it was some sort of test) and Daly had some extra cash in his pocket.